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Our School Supporter's Message

Hello, my name is Ben Martinez and I am the volunteer/non-paid School Support Coordinator for the Village of English School in Kampong Speu Province. I retired in California, live in Thailand, and visit the school regularly to help as needed. This school is not a "diploma mill", that generates a profit for a corporate entity or private individuals. It is located in the country, where resources are scarce and sometimes overlooked by the bright lights of the big city.


The school welcomes financial support in any amount, and I can assure you that it is used solely and directly for the education of the children enrolled there. 


Click Here To Donate. I send PayPal contributions directly to the school via Western Union as PayPal in Cambodia is not presently linked to banks.​


If you have any questions, you can reach me at:; by phone at +66 924157376 or by Facebook at 


Kindest regards,


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