Our History
It has been shown that children in rural regions do not have the same opportunities to receive a better education as children in urban areas. We faced this problem when we were young since we could only study English and computers at a university. We established this school because we didn’t want these rural kids to follow in our footsteps.
We couldn’t initially afford to have a lot of students. Nearly all of the school’s construction was done by us, including wiring the electrical system and building desks and chairs. Even though we were limited at the time, we were determined to make it work. Ben, an American acquaintance, then appeared. He expressed enthusiasm for what we were doing and he assisted us in any way necessary to get our school up and operating. Our school has expanded and is now doing well, thanks to Ben. Over 700 kids, ranging in age from 4 to 18, are presently served by our school, which provides kindergarten through advanced English.
We are appreciative of the support from our community and pleased with what we have done. We think that every child should have an equal opportunity to study. In order for them to realize their full potential, we are dedicated to giving our children the best education we can.

Our Vision
Our vision is to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they need to become good citizens who can make a difference in their society.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide all students with the opportunity to reach their full potential, regardless of their background or circumstances. We believe that every student has something unique to offer, and we are committed to providing them with the resources and support they need to succeed.
Our Teachers
Our teachers are university-trained professionals and employ the latest teaching methods, using up-to-date training aids. Each one has a proven record of teaching success and is dedicated to their chosen profession.
Our Students
Our students are the reason the school exists. Mostly, they are from Kampong Speu Province and travel to the school on foot, on bicycle, motorscooter or by car. They range in age from Kindergarden to adults. The gender ratio is approximately 50:50.